Axway is a global leader in delivering collaborative business solutions (Collaborative Business Solutions), Axway synchronizes internal and external communications companies to provide them with the flexibility to accelerate business processes and to collaborate effectively with partners at all levels.
More than 11,000 customers in more than 100 countries and in many different market sectors have chosen to rely on Axway to manage and control their business-critical information “on the go”, thereby optimizing the efficiency of the value chain and ensuring greater regulatory compliance and better quality of service. Based on service-oriented architecture (SOA), Axway’s Synchrony the global solutions they offer both a software platform for the implementation of integration technologies (EAI, B2Bi, BPM, BAM …), a complete portfolio of services and applications specially made to meet the specific market sectors requirements.
Axway solutions, particularly suited to meet the needs of the financial services industry, the biopharmaceutical industry and the automotive industry, provide for the development of a growing number of applications available on the model “software as a service” (SaaS).
With 23 locations in the world, Axway has about 1,100 employees and had 2007 a turnover of 145.1 million euro.